2018-04-22 Notes

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I think i’m going to need to add a partial for a sorted list report. which takes a list of tracks. sorts by speed asc/desc. three sorts in every containing folder. alphabetical, slowest, fastest

i think i can kill the repeated data in front matter but I need to be able to sort by a derived field for speed rating.

I think I can do it in the fastest/slowest page layouts. I need to get all tracks, then build a map of speed ratings. Key is an identifier for each track which I can use to reference the full track object. Then the value is the computed speed rating float. Then sort the scratch map by speed rating. Then iterate over the sorted map to render the table of tracks. Better would be if I could set speed rating directly on the page data, which the author said might be coming in a version of golang soon.

I think we can get creative here using scratch.


i could set a schema version in track front matter. need a way to extract yaml. then converge to latest schema versions.

contribute google form github pr probot

Github link. Twitter link. RSS feed link on main page.

Entry optimization * fast measurement of turn diameter. Lat, lon, num lanes * render the yaml front matter given those inputs

On pull request. Paste deployed link to preview page. Screenshot and paste screenshot to pull request comment

How to keep accuracy high? Reviews? Random reviews periodically by mech Turk? Auto checks on prs to look for unusual data

Track list view. If contains sections. Sub section list. Separate alpha list. Fastest, slowest If not contains sections. Alpha, fastest, slowest Get all pages at current level and deeper. Is there a way to do this without needing to have boilerplate markdown inside each folder for country and state?

probot. open issue with a specific tag. create a branch. add a new file. create a pull request.

created twitter: @laps_run

Tonight. Hookup rss in hummelhome to slack to test Add rss and twitter and GitHub links to homepage Ifttt rss to twitter in Hudson ifttt Create a few tracks via google form to test rss to slack to twitter Add enrichment tab to form answers sheet Put diameter and speed rating in head matter only Total track count on home page

Add empty elevation field to all tracks. Add elevation to archetype Elevation report page with sorted elevations.

How to factor elevation, air density into speed?

Get one track from each us state

Non leaf list page. Show sub pages. Link to all tracks alpha, fastest, slowest.


nested sections.


inspect what we have access to: https://gohugo.io/templates/template-debugging/

Csv alternate page for every list https://gohugo.io/templates/lists/#by-page-field



create a tag cloud partial

history article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-weather_running_track

Yaml generator Input name, lat, lon, turn diameter get formatted yaml front matter. Lookup elevation. Compute speed rating.

Add surface year.

Define: fastest.


We should be able to compute a number. “Centrifugal work”. 400m in a straight line is 0. 200m straight is 0, then 200m turn would be 200*the severity of the turn.


Degree of the turn, speed of the runner.



Should I be measuring the center of lane 1 instead of the rail?

TODO next: