2018-05-20 Notes

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Track turns exactly semicircle? http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?board=1&id=3950437&thread=3949069#3950437

Old track site: http://www.trackinfo.org/tracks.html

Lane 8 distance convo: http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?thread=250143

Oxy track: http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?board=1&id=2547419&thread=2547060#2547419

Dimensioning and Configuration A. Representative Track Configurations:

In the design portion of the project, four basic concepts can be followed:

  1. Equal Quadrant Tracks - which are 400m or 1312.34’ (minimum distance) tracks with 100m along each curve and 100m along each straightaway, measured along the measure line of lane one.
  2. Non-Equal Quadrant Tracks - which are 400m or 1312.34’ (minimum distance) tracks, measured along the measure line of lane one, with two curved ends of equal radius and two straightaways equal in length but longer or shorter than the curves.
  3. The IAAF Track - which specifies a 400m or 1312.34’ (minimum distance) track, measured along the measure line of lane one, with two curves of equal radius measuring 36.80m and two straightaways measuring 84.39m.
  4. Double-Bend Tracks - which are 400m or 1312.34’ (minimum distance) tracks measured along the measure line of lane one, with two straightaways of equal length and two curves that are formed with two different radii. This configuration allows for a wider infield to accommodate a broader range of sports activities.

B. Measure Line

The measure line is defined as a theoretical line from which the distance of a running track is determined. This line is located 20cm from the running side of the painted line for each lane. In the case of a raised curb, the theoretical line is located 30cm from the running side of the raised curb for lane one.

C. Allowable Radius Length

The radius to the measure line of lane one is recommended to be not less than 90’ or more than 130’. For a world record to be set, the radius of the outside lane should not exceed 50m (164.04’) except where the bend is formed with two different radii, in which case, the longer of the two arcs should not account for more than 60 degrees of the 180 degree turn. It is recommended that the radii be permanently marked with a fixed monument.

Some physics convo. Centrifugal, centripetal http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?board=1&id=814843&thread=814731#814843

Are all of the tracks I’ve measured 400m and single radius? Does single radius vs double radius matter for my computations? I think it might. I could do some demo diagrams. Broken-back /double bend