2018-06-09 Notes

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detailed step by step workflow for adding a track. track geometry revisited.

goal is to streamline/automate as much of this as possible.

  1. find the track on google maps. zoom as tightly as possible. copy the url.
  2. browse to the google form
  3. enter all values. leave elevation blank.
  4. for “Note” enter the name of the track and/or field if known. then the street address of the venue.
  5. submit the form
  6. a derived google sheet tab computes speed rating, latitude, and longitude from the raw inputs.
  7. move to your local checkout/fork of the laps.run git repo.
  8. git checkout -b add-track-xyz
  9. hugo new track/us/ca/xyz.md
  10. correct the title field in front matter if formatted strangely.
  11. add “prep”, “juco”, or “university” to tags as applicable to the venue.
  12. migrate values from google sheet to the yaml front matter.
  13. skip elevation_meters for now
  14. put the note value between --- and <!--more-->
  15. save the file.
  16. lookup the elevation: ./bin/yaml-to-elev.sh content/track/us/ca/xyz.md
  17. take the output of the script run and paste it into elevation_meters (rounded to two decimal places)
  18. save the file.
  19. git add content/track/us/ca/xyz.md
  20. git commit -m "add new track xyz (ca)"
  21. git push -u origin add-track-xyz
  22. browse github.com. open a new pull request targeting tphummel/laps.run master branch
  23. update the branch on the PR page if behind current master.
  24. merge pull request
  25. browse to next pull request and update.

how to get yaml out of my google sheet quickly?

example csv->yaml converter: https://www.browserling.com/tools/csv-to-yaml

i could create a derived google sheet tab which crafted the column headers to match my yaml format. get rid of other columns and i could drop it in. of course i could do this via a command line tool as well. non-sensitive information so web based is a fast way to try it out.

this smells a little funny. my data starts as csv via google form. then i do a bunch of work to make it yaml. so i ultimately can download it as csv again.

taking a second measurement for each track

turn diameter at the common finish: 68.84. a third point to the apex of the turn: 117.87-68.84 = 49.03

we get a right triangle.

c = 49.03.

a = 68.842 = 34.42.

b = ?

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

34.42^2 + b^2 = 49.03^2

1184.7364 + b^2 = 2403.9409

b^2 = 2403.9409 - 1184.7364

b = square root of 1219.2045

b = 34.9171

if a is roughly equal to b, then can we say it is a single radius track? i think so.

assumption: measurer can quickly eyeball an isosceles triangle. you can probably get close.

double bend comparisons

I’ll measure/derive A and B for each track. and various thresholds i think we determine which general geometry the track is: single radius vs. double bend. then within double bend, we can show which configuration it likely is.