2018-10-13 Notes

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  1. moving laps.run repos from tphummel to new lapsrun github org
  2. migrating from travis-ci.org to travis-ci.com
  3. splitting and open sourcing laps.run terraform

travis ci token is broken after copying the token from the travis-ci.com web ui. generated a new token from travis cli:

travis --version

# not using --org as i had before

travis login
travis token

big problem is that moving from org to com, the build numbering is restarted. this will overwrite the existing builds once the build numbers gets up that high. i think i need to rename the existing build data in s3.

prefix with org-? build/org-123.yml. this might have some unintended consequences.

aws --profile personal s3 sync s3://laps.run-ops-data-private/ data/
cp -R data data-original

cd data/build
find * -maxdepth 0 -exec mv {} org-{} \;
mv org-1.yml 1.yml

cd ../deploy-preview
find * -maxdepth 0 -exec mv {} org-{} \;

cd ../deploy-production
find * -maxdepth 0 -exec mv {} org-{} \;
mv org-1.yml 1.yml

aws --profile personal s3 sync data/ s3://laps.run-ops-data-private/ --delete

we’re looking good. i updated builds to use the filename as the page title, same as the deploy types.

splitting laps run terraform

moving existing laps.run resources from one terraform workspace to another. both are backed by s3. the source is an older version of terraform. i want to use the latest version in the new destination.

# source
terraform --version
Terraform v0.9.6

# destination
terraform --version
Terraform v0.11.8
+ provider.aws v1.40.0

deleted laps_run.tf file in source repo:

terraform plan

- aws_iam_access_key.laps_run_ci

- aws_iam_access_key.ops_laps_run_ci

- aws_iam_user.laps_run_ci

- aws_iam_user.ops_laps_run_ci

- aws_iam_user_policy.laps_run_ci

- aws_iam_user_policy.ops_laps_run_ci

- aws_s3_bucket.laps_run

- aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_ops

- aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_ops_data_private

- aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_preview

- aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_www

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 11 to destroy.

this presents a list of the resources to moved.

AWS_PROFILE=personal terraform import aws_iam_user.laps_run_ci laps_run
AWS_PROFILE=personal terraform import aws_iam_user.ops_laps_run_ci ops_laps_run

AWS_PROFILE=personal terraform import aws_iam_user_policy.laps_run_ci laps_run:laps_run_ci
AWS_PROFILE=personal terraform import aws_iam_user_policy.ops_laps_run_ci ops_laps_run:ops_laps_run_ci

AWS_PROFILE=personal terraform import aws_s3_bucket.laps_run "laps.run"
AWS_PROFILE=personal terraform import aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_ops "ops.laps.run"
AWS_PROFILE=personal terraform import aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_ops_data_private "laps.run-ops-data-private"

AWS_PROFILE=personal terraform import aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_www "www.laps.run"
AWS_PROFILE=personal terraform import aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_preview "laps.run-preview"

iam access keys are not importable. i’ll delete and recreate.

remove items from original state (infra, 0.9.6)

terraform state rm aws_iam_user.laps_run_ci

and a plan after the rm runs and it looks as expected.

terraform plan

- aws_iam_access_key.laps_run_ci

- aws_iam_access_key.ops_laps_run_ci

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 2 to destroy.


terraform apply plan    

aws_iam_access_key.laps_run_ci: Destroying... (ID: AKIAJY2B6HKEH6LABESQ)
aws_iam_access_key.ops_laps_run_ci: Destroying... (ID: AKIAJNJDUHJRATYJYYIQ)
aws_iam_access_key.ops_laps_run_ci: Destruction complete
aws_iam_access_key.laps_run_ci: Destruction complete

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 2 destroyed.

new destination, plan:

+ aws_iam_access_key.laps_run_ci

+ aws_iam_access_key.ops_laps_run_ci

~ aws_iam_user.laps_run_ci

~ aws_iam_user.ops_laps_run_ci

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_ops

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_ops_data_private

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_preview

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_www

- aws_s3_bucket_policy.laps_run

- aws_s3_bucket_policy.laps_run_ops

- aws_s3_bucket_policy.laps_run_preview

- aws_s3_bucket_policy.laps_run_www

Plan: 2 to add, 7 to change, 4 to destroy.

the edits and deletes appear to be differences in internals of the aws provider. i expect it to do inplace edits of the current resources at apply time.

rejiggered bucket policies as standalone resources instead of embedded in the bucket resource. still using the data source.

+ aws_iam_access_key.laps_run_ci

+ aws_iam_access_key.ops_laps_run_ci

~ aws_iam_user.laps_run_ci
    force_destroy:     "" => "false"

~ aws_iam_user.ops_laps_run_ci
    force_destroy:     "" => "false"

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run
    acl:               "" => "public-read"
    force_destroy:     "" => "true"

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_ops
    acl:               "" => "public-read"
    force_destroy:     "" => "true"

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_ops_data_private
    acl:               "" => "private"
    force_destroy:     "" => "true"

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_preview
    acl:               "" => "public-read"
    force_destroy:     "" => "true"

~ aws_s3_bucket.laps_run_www
    acl:               "" => "public-read"
    force_destroy:     "" => "true"

~ aws_s3_bucket_policy.laps_run

~ aws_s3_bucket_policy.laps_run_ops

~ aws_s3_bucket_policy.laps_run_preview

~ aws_s3_bucket_policy.laps_run_www

Plan: 2 to add, 11 to change, 0 to destroy.

the bucket policy changes are whitespace only. probably differences in the version of the aws provider i used to create the policies and the latest version.

Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 11 changed, 0 destroyed.

plan after apply:

No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.

resource list:

terraform state list


The difference between trusted and untrusted builds can be determined based on env var TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS, “true” or “false”.